
Sister Hero, Hero My Brother

Verse one:
I never knew
The gift you were given
Until right now
Oh, I feel it and how
Times when you were really livin’

Walk up:
You have run your race
Steady and strong
Knowing to be left out
And to belong

Sister hero, hero my brother
You’re not just a color
Or where you are in life now
Not you long, long ago
And the distance
Between us at this moment
From it we see
There will never be
Never be no other
Like you
Sister hero, hero my brother

Verse two:
A light in each one of us is
Shouldn’t we all share
Or dare run the risk
Of being total strangers
When how deeply we do care

Walk up: repeat

Chorus: repeat

For the world to see
Just why you are here
If today is dark
Tomorrow it will be clear

Chorus: repeat

Sister Hero, Hero My Brother
Lyrics and music by
Matt Penson Copyright 2018